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A smart home: what is it? : techtarget.com

by Edwin
smart home

A smart home makes use of internet-connected gadgets to allow for the remote monitoring and management of systems and appliances, like heating and lighting.

Smart home systems and gadgets, which are components of the Internet of Things (IoT), frequently collaborate, exchanging usage data with one another and automating tasks in accordance with the preferences of the homeowners.

How does technology for smart homes operate?

A smart home isn’t just an assortment of various smart appliances and gadgets; rather, it’s a network of connected devices that can be controlled from a distance.

A master home automation controller, also known as a smart home hub, controls every device, including lighting, thermostats, security systems, and appliances. This hardware hub, which can sense, analyze, and transmit wirelessly, serves as the brains of the smart home system. It unifies all of the different apps into a single, remotely controllable smart home app for homeowners.

Its appliances can be configured to react to voice commands from home assistants like Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, or they can be programmed to follow specified schedules or orders. For instance, a smart thermostat is able to recognize the routines of the household and automatically modify the temperature in accordance with those schedules.

Technology examples for the smart home 

There is a smart home substitute for almost every area of life where technology has been incorporated into the home, such as lightbulbs, dishwashers, and other appliances:

Smart Televisions

intelligent lighting setups

intelligent thermostats

Garage door openers and smart door locks

intelligent security systems and cameras

Prudent lawn and pet maintenance

Intelligent kitchenware

intelligent home surveillance

smart outlets.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Smart Homes

From the ease of using home appliances like the washing machine while at work to the coziness of remotely changing the temperature on a cold winter day, smart home technology has many benefits.

Typical benefits of having a smart home are as follows:

Gives comfort

Remote home monitoring allows homeowners to prevent hazards like an unlocked front door or a coffee maker left on.

Takes user preferences into account for ease of usage

Users can set up their garage door to open, lights to turn on, fireplace to light and preferred music to play when they get home, among other automated functions.

Provides comfort

Seniors can safely stay at home longer rather than transferring to an assisted living facility because of Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets, which allow family members or caregivers to remotely monitor the health and well-being of seniors.

Increases effectiveness

Rather than constantly running the air conditioning, a smart homes system may recognize the habits of its users and make sure the house is cool when they get back.

Saves money and resources

The lawn receives precisely the right amount of watering when using a smart irrigation system. Energy, water, and other resources are used more wisely when home automation devices and systems are installed. This helps conserve natural resources and customer money.

However, because of their technical nature, home automation systems have had difficulty becoming widely used. Typical drawbacks of a smart home consist of the following:

Has to have a dependable internet connection

The devices and gadgets connected to a smart home may become dysfunctional due to an unstable internet connection or a network outage.

Perceived intricacy

Some people struggle with technology, or they are impatient. Manufacturers and alliances of smart homes are striving to make their products easier to use and more advantageous for users of all technical skill levels by simplifying their design and enhancing the user experience.

Absence of guidelines

Devices must use the same protocol, or at least complementary ones, and be compatible with one another regardless of the manufacturer for home automation systems to be genuinely effective. Since home automation is still a relatively new business, there isn’t yet a gold standard.


Even with price decreases, many home products are still expensive, and a complete house makeover might cost thousands of dollars.

How to configure your smart home

Its infrastructure is frequently included in newly constructed homes. However, smart technologies can be retrofitted into older homes.

Purchase a robust, dependable internet connection.

Choose the hub.

Commence with the fundamentals.

Protect the gadgets.

Increase the number of devices.

intelligent structures

Not every smart building is a smart home; even yet, every smart home is a smart building. Large and small, office buildings, skyscrapers, apartment complexes, and multi-tenant offices and homes are among the enterprise, commercial, industrial, and residential buildings that are implementing IoT technologies to increase building efficiency, lower energy costs and environmental harm, maintain security, and boost occupant satisfaction.

A large number of the smart home’s features, such as energy and lighting management, HVAC control, security, and building access systems, are also implemented in smart buildings.

To know more visit: https://www.techtarget.com/iotagenda/definition/smart-home-or-building

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